
Disto runs in its own Kubernetes cluster in your AWS environment. You can run Disto’s deploy script to create a Kubernetes cluster and deploy Disto on it.


You will need to provide the values for the following arguments:

  • aws-region: the region you want to deploy Disto to.
  • aws-access-key-id: your AWS access key
  • aws-secret-access-key: your AWS secret access key

You can follow the instructions here to obtain your access key and secret access key, or create new ones.

  • s3-bucket-name: name of S3 bucket that will store configuration files.

Follow the instructions here to create an S3 bucket.

  • cognito-user-pool-id: name of your AWS Cognito user pool for managing Disto user accounts.
  • cognito-client-id: your AWS Cognito client ID

Follow the instructions here to create a user pool and client ID.

  • sagemaker-endpoint-name: The name of the endpoint from the deployed Sagemaker LLM.
  • sagemaker-region-name: your Sagemaker region name.

Follow the instructions here to deploy Disto’s LLM on Sagemaker.


After you have obtained these values, follow the steps below.

  1. Ensure you have the following requirements:

    • Shell environment with eksctl, git, and kubectl.
  2. Clone the disto-deploy repository.

    git clone
    cd disto-deploy/
  3. Run the aws-deploy script

    chmod +x ./
    ./ \
     --s3-bucket-name "your_s3_bucket_name" \
     --aws-region "your_aws_region" \
     --cognito-user-pool-id "your_cognito_user_pool_id" \
     --cognito-client-id "your_cognito_client_id" \
     --sagemaker-endpoint-name "your_sagemaker_endpoint_name" \
     --sagemaker-region-name "your_sagemaker_region_name" \
     --aws-access-key-id "your_aws_access_key_id" \
     --aws-secret-access-key "your_aws_secret_access_key"

After the script is done, it will output the following:

Access services via: <URL>

You can copy the URL into your browser and start using Disto.
